Tuesday, October 2, 2012

If anybody has a story of being abused by a Tibetan lama

If anybody has a story of being either sexually or physically abused by a Tibetan lama and would like that story published on this blog, please send your story to buddhistcultrecovery@gmail.com

That is buddhistcultrecovery [at] gmail [dot] com

If you wish to remain anonymous to me, you may send an anonymous email.

You are welcome to send in any stories of abuses seen or experienced at any Tibetan Center, either in India, further East or in the West.

Over the years dozens of people have written to me privately with their stories of abuses seen in Tibetan centers or by Tibetan lamas. I will respect their privacy by not posting those stories here. I will only post stories by people who wish them to be known publicly.

Any posts sent to me by deniers or hate mail will be deleted and, if necessary, sent to the FBI. Do not think of sending abusive email, as it will dealt with by the authorities.

It is time the abuses by a number of Tibetan lamas, the physical and sexual abuses that are rampant in Tibetan 'monasteries', the financial and social rip-offs that have happened in various Tibetan 'retreat' centers are known by the general public, so that less abuse happens. Silence helps prolong the abuse. People suffer when these abuses occur. Speak out , share the truth with courage and compassion.